The beginnings of this site, remix data, in terms of my research goes back to my analysis of YouTube Memes. Below I repost information that is available on Remix

Research on Remix and Cultural Analytics
Post-doctoral research for The Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. For this 2012 research I implemented cultural analytics techniques to analyze YouTube video remixes. My research was performed in collaboration with the Software Studies Lab at the University of California, San Diego. There is a second part of this research which I’m currently developing in collaboration with the New Media and Interdisciplinary Digital Studio Program in the School of Visual Arts at Penn State. Below are links to brief descriptions of already published material.
Part 4: Sliced Images of Three Case Studies
Online research material used for the three case studies
Peer review publication, Anthrovision, 2012
Modular complexity and remix: the collapse of time and space into search